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MyCoop Radio

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MyCoop Radio – Entertainment and Livelihood Community Radio.
Biblically in the book of Daniel of the Old Testament, 45 days is about a period of painful wait, declaring blissful who will pass it and reaches the end of this period.
As for Cebu Peoples Multipurpose Cooperative, 45 years is a period in looking for the real meaning of all the things that are happening and painstakingly find the way towards a better future for us and those who rely on us. And that its forty five years were years of incessant struggle. It seized every opportunity that came its way to survive. But in every circumstance, it was always hopeful about the future and has never lost sight of the very reason for its being. To improve the quality of life of the members was always its inspiration. These forty five years purified Peoples Coop into a genuine and responsible social enterprise. The period has brought the Coop to the realization that discernment is over. It has finally found its pathway towards the fulfillment of its promise. Though characterized by rugged terrain, overtime it has managed to put into place the right strategy of unleashing the tremendous power hidden behind its development advocacies.
These development advocacies that started as issues centered around the very core of the cooperative social responsibility, namely:
Biblically in the book of Daniel of the Old Testament, 45 days is about a period of painful wait, declaring blissful who will pass it and reaches the end of this period.

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